"Celebrating America's Sweetest Girls!"
For Girls on a Mission
​Every Sweetie receives a beautiful custom sash and a replica of the official Sweetheart state crown. Learn the Sweetheart Philosophy firsthand by becoming a part of America's Sweeties Mentorship Program! Girls can earn badges to decorate their sash and show off their hard work. No typical pageant contractual obligations or noncompete clauses to worry about. No travel is necessary, however, we invite every Sweetie to attend nationals. We encourage Sweeties to attend nationals! There is just a One-Time Low Fee ($450) for participation until your Sweetie ages out. Sweeties are for girls ages who live in the USA from ages 4 to 12. *Badges are sold separately at only $10 each
Host City: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Host Venue: Windbreak Hotel and Resort
Dates: November 24-26, 2023
Fees: $450/Badges $10 each
Sweeties Fun & Events
One Time Registration Fee Includes: ​
Official Crown and Sash, Welcome Party, On Stage Dance Production, Evening Gown Parade, PJ Party, Pageant Workshop, monthly mentorship, and more!
Inspiring youth to take on active involvement in America's Miss Sweetheart and America’s Teen Sweetheart programs
Provides a platform for personal growth
Connects princesses to positive role models
Encourages fun while serving community
The 3 C's
Instilling confidence in our Sweeties to be difference makers from a very early age. The most beautiful part is watching her learn and grow through the journey.
You don't need a crown, but you do need a beautiful heart and strong community. This crown is a physical reminder of the beauty within her tiny heart!
Community Service
Instilling Community Service as an essential aspect of her daily life begins at home. We will reinforce service with every badge earned and celebrating her accomplishments-big or small. Through helping others, she will learn the value of service. This is something your Sweetie will carry with her for the rest of her life.
Instilling confidence and community service, the Mentorship Program activates your Sweeties courage. All it takes is small acts of courage to aid her in life's journey. With faith and courage, she can do ALL things! Elisha Joy, America's Teen Sweetheart is also an author, speaker and also has a successful YouTube channel and podcast.
It's cool to be Sweet!
America’s Miss Sweetheart and America’s Teen Sweetheart programs believe the skills and tools needed to succeed in life can be achieved through positive influences and mentorship. These skills and traits include confidence, good manners, value-based decision making, and a heart for serving others.